For most of our Adventures, we offer trip cancellation or interruption protection.

Customers who select this option can receive a refund of tour fees when a customer or traveling companion must cancel or interrupt the trip for reasons covered by this protection. It does not cover expenses not paid to Bike Irish, such as airfare, or expenses incurred prior to or after the tour, such as pre-payment of extra hotel nights booked as a courtesy by Bike Irish.

This protection can only be purchased at the time payment is made. We will not accept a request to purchase the protection option after the tour payment has been made.

The customer may designate a passenger or another rider on the tour as a traveling companion when the protection is purchased.

The cost of this protection is 7.5% of the total price of the tour, including motorcycle upgrades, single room supplements, and passenger costs, if any.

Bike Irish would make a refund if the customer purchased this protection and is prevented from starting or completing the tour due to:

  • Sickness, accidental injury or death of the customer, the customer’s traveling companion, or an immediate family member or business partner of the customer or traveling companion. The claim must be substantiated by a physician’s statement or other appropriate documentation.
  • The customer or travelling companion being required to serve on a jury or being subpoenaed.
  • The customer or travelling companion having his/her home made uninhabitable by fire, flood or other natural disaster.
  • The customer or travelling companion being directly involved in a traffic accident substantiated by a police report, while en route to departure.
  • The customer or traveling companion, either of whom is in the military, is called to duty during the period covered by the tour.
  • Strikes, natural disasters or bad weather that result in the cancellation of airline service that prevents the customer from arriving at the city of departure in time to participate in the tour.
  • Employment termination, if the customer has been with the same employer for at least three continuous years and is terminated through no fault of his own after electing to purchase the protection.

This protection specifically excludes:

  • Expenses not included in the price of the tour, such as airline expenses and extra hotel nights.
  • Lost baggage
  • Medical costs, including medical evacuation.
  • Any situation not specifically included above.

If the cancellation occurs prior to the start of the tour, the entire cost paid will be refunded, less the initial trip deposit and the cost of the trip cancellation protection. If the cancellation occurs during the trip (and the protection has been purchased), a pro-rata refund will be made for the unused days of the trip. In the case of flight cancellations or an accident which makes it impossible for the customer to arrive at the starting location of the tour, the customer will have the option of receiving a refund of the tour payment or joining the tour in progress. If the customer wishes to join the tour in process, Bike Irish will advise the customer as to whether it is feasible to do so. If deemed feasible by Bike Irish and the customer requests that Bike Irish assist with the alternate arrangements, all additional costs will be the responsibility of the customer and no pro-rata credit will be granted for any days of the tour that were not used.


Need help?

Contact us at {email} for questions related to refunds and returns.